Friday, 6 March 2009

Terms and definitions (2)

  • MASH-UP - A quickly built composite Web 2.0 application that combines capabilities in a new way to create new value for the user. Mash-ups represent the practical bridge between SOA and Web 2.0.

  • SOCIAL NETWORKS - Technology that enables users to leverage personal connections.

  • PHP - Originally derived from Personal Home Page (PHP) tools, PHP is a recursive acronym that refers to Hypertext Preprocessor, a general-purpose scripting language well suited for Web-based development, allowing for the creation of dynamic content that interacts with databases.

  • WEB 2.0 - Encompasses a range of technologies, tools, techniques, and standards that focus on enabling people to increase the social factor—how people connect with each other to improve how software works. Key principles involve use of lightweight programming models and standards, and techniques such as mash-ups, wikis, tagging, and blogs for richer user interfaces and improved use of data.

  • ATOM - Atom Syndication Format, a standard way for a Web application to check for "feeds" from another Web site. (Example: publish-and-subscribe technique so that you get an alert or feed whenever an event happens that you've asked to be notified about).

Definitions from Carter, Sandy. The New Language of Business: SOA & Web 2.0. IBM Press, 2007. book utilizing

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