Saturday, 7 March 2009

Terms and definitions (3)

  • UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR (URL) - A text representation of a specific location on the Internet. URLs normally include the protocol (http:// for example), the target location (world wide web or www), the domain or server name (mycompany), and a domain type (com for commercial).

  • ACTIVE SERVER PAGES (ASP) - A special type of scripting language used by Windows NT Server equipped with Internet Information Server (IIS). This specialized scripting language allows the programmer to create very flexible Web server scripts. The use of variables and other features, such as access to server variables, allows a programmer to create scripts that can compensate for user and environmental needs as well as security concerns. ASP pages use HTML to display content to the user.

  • DOMAIN NAME SERVER (DNS) - An Internet technology that allows a user to refer to a host computer by name rather than using its unique IP address.

  • SIMPLE OBJECT ACCESS PROTOCOL (SOAP) - A Microsoft-sponsored protocol that provides the means for exchanging data between COM and foreign component technologies like Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) using XML as an intermediary.

  • EXTENSIBLE MARKUP LANGUAGE PROTOCOL (XMLP) - An online communication protocol alternative to SOAP. XMLP is still in the proposal stage, so there's little information about it. However, XMLP proponents state that it will provide a simplified method for transferring data while extending the capabilities of protocols, such as SOAP.

Definitions from Mueller, John Paul . Special Edition Using SOAP. Que, 2001 book utilizing

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